Friday, 24 April 2020

A Virtual Book Fair and A Reincarnation

Without a doubt, my biggest writing event of the week was Our Own Write. This virtual book fair brought together authors from across the globe, and I was delighted to be one of them! I got an opportunity to talk about Caledon, a topic which I am more than happy to talk and talk and talk about! The whole book fair was run via Twitter Live, and most of the authors' talks are still available on the Our Own Write Twitter page.

You can watch my presentation here:
I can say with all honesty, it was one of the most rewarding experiences of 2020. I loved taking part, although I was shaking like a leaf!

Reluctant to let go of Caledon, my short story of the week - written for an Historical Fantasy anthology - tells the initial story of Caledon's 6th incarnation. The novel is Caledon's 7th incarnation, so going back 125(ish) years to tell the story was really strange. It was a great challenge, and I'm currently just tightening it up in time for the 30th April deadline.

Thus far, 2020 has still had a submission a week, and I'm feeling very proud of myself for actually sticking to a New Year resolution!

Stay safe, one and all! Remember, all the books are still there. Hunt them out and read them all!
[Ok, maybe not all of them!]

Find me here: - follow me there!

Friday, 17 April 2020

Back to Work

It's a glorious sunny day here in Wick. I've walked the dog and done the social-distancing shopping.

Time to share my week's writing...

This week I've been scribing short stories. With this lock-down I'm finding it difficult to focus on anything long enough to to work on a novel. So short story and poetry competitions, here we come!

I'm still persevering with my New Year resolution, with a short story for this, and a short story for this! I've also written a poem for this, although I don't expect to be getting anywhere with that because my poetry takes flowery to a whole new level!

The only problem with short stories is that I feel I let go of my characters too soon! I put a great deal of investment into my characters - I'm one of those writers who feels like their characters are their friends - and I hate leaving them after a measly few thousand words. So my comeback? Draw them! I'm not sure that counts as writing, but it's certainly taken time!

Next Wednesday, you can find me on Twitter Live as part of the Our Own Write Book Fair. It's 8pm BST, so check your own time zone and join in!

Find me here: - follow me there!

Friday, 10 April 2020

Writing Tips in Tumultuous Times

Trying to settle into writing has been slightly - ok, not so slightly! - awkward this week. But only from the point of view of new writing. I've had a super busy week in the realm of author and part-time artist! Here's some of what's kept me busy...

I took part in the Writing Community Chat Show's #WritingCommunityBedtimeStory challenge. So now you can, if so inclined, listen to me reading Chapter One of Caledon. Authors, if you haven't already done this, please give it a go. It's great for readers to hear a story in its conceptual voice.

I've also signed up for Our Own Write, a virtual book fair which takes place on 22nd and 23rd April. I'm on at 8pm BST, followed by Judith and then Clemency.

And, since I've mentioned Clemency, she's offering everyone - readers, bloggers, reviewers - a chance to join in with her next book. You can find more about it here! So I did her a little picture (above) to celebrate.

Finally, I'm still on with my New Year resolution. If everything goes according to plan, these are the four competitions/submissions which I'll enter in April. Why don't you have a look and see if there's one you'd like to enter?
The Trench Coat Chronicles
Didcot Writers
87 Bedford Anthology

Remember - writing is not just about new writing. Take time to re-read and edit your earlier writings.

Find me here: - follow me there!

Friday, 3 April 2020

Hello Indie April

A quick look through my writer's diary reveals that this week's biggest advancement has been March into April. Writing-wise, this has also presented a big change in direction.
The Clan of Caledon - in avatar form!

Two reasons.

  1. One - welcome to #IndieApril, the month of the year where we, as independent authors and independent publishers, become the stars. This doesn't necessarily mean we become famous, in fact this week's biggest achievement has been helping other indie authors along the way. Writing is really NOT a competitive business. If we support one-another, we're all winners!
  2. Two - Camp NaNoWriMo! Day three, and already I'm really failing on this! But I'm going to try and persevere through this crazy time. In Possession of Words, my horror novel, is currently weighing in at 13,887 words, the majority of which are still little more than notes. I have to come clean and admit that only 1,760 of those were written during Camp NaNoWriMo. If any of you are part of this, please hunt me out and add me as a Buddy - I'm here:

But April's arrival also means that I'm a quarter of the way through the year, and my literary New Year's Resolution is still in tact! Nothing's come of it so far, but I'm hopeful! How are your 2020 writing goals shaping up?

Finally, week three of my review tour occurred yesterday with a couple of reviews. Interestingly, this week's reviews were both impressed with the history and landscape in the book. It's always great to have feedback like:
I found this book immersive. The world felt real and like I could walk right into it.
and my favourite of this week:
One of the best features of this book is the significant amount of accurate, intriguing Scottish Highlands time-period detail that the author weaved into this book.  It is [...] well-versed in the culture and customs that she was able to provide such cohesive knowledge and references in her writing.
There's only one more review left on my tour, but if your appetite has been whetted, you can find Caledon FREE here. Whatever you thought, please leave a review and I'll be eternally grateful!

Find me here: - follow me there!